Verse of the week for January 14 - January 20

Verse of the week for January 14 - January 20

“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;”
- Phillipians 3:10
The Apostle Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, penned these words. Paul (Saul at that time) was converted on the road to Damascus. Acts 9. When these words were written he was already a saved man, so he already knew the Lord as his savior. In this verse and surrounding verses it is just as if Paul is about to burst with excitement! Look at the beginning of this verse. “That I may know Him…” Paul’s entire hearts desire is to know the Lord Jesus Christ more fully. He wanted a deeper relationship with the Lord. Nothing else was more important than his relationship with the Lord. We (all of us that have been saved) should have a sincere desire, and put forth the effort daily to have an intimate relationship with our Lord and Savior! We obtain this as we pray, study His Word, and walk in obedience to Him. How wonderful it is to have that daily walk with Him in every area of our lives. Paul wanted that kind of relationship with Jesus and the Lord Blessed and used him in a tremendous way. Oh dear Lord, help us to Love you with all our heart, mind and soul! Thank the Lord for that daily walk and fellowship we can have with Him!

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