Verse of the week for March 24 - March 30

Verse of the week for March 24 - March 30

“…It is finished: and He bowed His head and gave up the ghost.”
- John 19:30
Jesus proclaimed “It is finished “ These words are translated from one Greek word in the original language, Tetelestai.The word means completed, accomplished, done. Every detail of redemption has been taken care of. That is exactly what transpired on the hill called Calvary. Jesus completed, through His death, Gods plan of redemption. Jesus came into this world with the purpose of paying the debt for our sin. Sin separates man from God. Jesus came to reconcile sinful man to Holy God. He bridged the gap between God and man in order that we can have communion and fellowship with God. Jesus and Jesus alone, through His death and His shed blood, has provided the means that man can be forgiven of our sins and become righteous in God’s eyes. When Jesus proclaimed “It is finished” He had fully and forever met the demands for our redemption and forgiveness. Thanks be unto God that He loved us so much that He gave His Son to take our place and pay a price we couldn’t pay. But He completely paid our sin debt in full! That is why and how He could say, “It is finished” (Tetelestai) Amen. May the Lord Bless you and your family this week is my prayer. This story is not complete until we have His resurrection!
Celebrate His resurrection somewhere in one of the Lord’s churches next week March 31.
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